Lioness Publications LLC

Predictive Probabilities Astrology Research 

The Washington Astrologer

6/11/2017 - Donald Trump's Transits for the next year
Astrologers provide detailed interpreted reports on an individual, company, or country.  While these reports can be informative and provide illumination -- they are filtered through the eyes and thoughts of the astrologer and as a result, personal opinions may seep through.  In an effort to remove my bias on the subject of Donald Trump, the  following report that has been provided is cookbook - meaning that there is no attempt to interpret how the angles interact with one another or make judgements on how a situation can play through - the meanings of placements and angles are simply pulled together into a report.  In effect, it provides the ingredients and it is up to the reader to define their own opinions on how the next year will play out.

Donald Trump's Transits starting 6/11/2017 



The following pages describe the major transits that you will be experiencing over the coming period.  These pages can give you insight into the challenges that you will encounter and the underlying lessons that they offer you.  There are literally hundreds of transits occurring for you each year, so this report focuses on those which occur more infrequently and therefore present the greatest challenges.


The "Exact" transit dates and immediately prior to those dates are the times when the energies described will be felt most strongly and when actual events related to the transit are most likely to occur.  Many transits will have three "Exact" dates listed.  This is because the transiting planet goes retrograde (R) and then direct (D) again, causing three "hits."  When this is the case, the issues associated with the transit will surface on the first hit, there will be some progress toward resolving these issues on the second hit, and the third hit will bring final resolution.


Read your transit report over once now to get a general overview of the coming period.  Then, as the issues described in this report begin to appear in your life, you can refer back to this report for suggestions on how to best handle the changes that you are experiencing.  Even the worst transit can be a valuable experience if you are fortunate enough to "get" the lesson that it offers.


The readings stress that you are the ultimate decider of your fate.  Astrology can give you a "weather report" on the energies influencing you, but it is up to you to decide how you will react.  Some people can benefit greatly under normally difficult transits because they eagerly meet the challenge head on.  Others will not benefit from the most positive transits because they did not pursue opportunities presented to them.  Request a personal reading if you would like to examine your upcoming changes more thoroughly.

House Transits and Transiting Aspects


Jupiter is in the 2nd: 6/11/2017, Moving Forwards at Degree 20 in a 28 Degree House


Jupiter is in the 2nd house now, increasing opportunities to expand income and material possessions. Career or investment interests may pay off handsomely, but overspending is a pitfall.



Saturn is in the 4th: 6/11/2017, Moving Backwards at Degree 30 in a 35 Degree House


Saturn is in the 4th house now, creating pressure on your domestic scene. Home repairs and responsibilities weigh heavily. Build a solid foundation for future success and security.



Uranus is in the 9th: 6/11/2017, Moving Forwards at Degree 6 in a 33 Degree House


Uranus is in the 9th house now. Thinking and understanding are enhanced by a sudden and unique experience. Travel or legal complications could be disruptive or unusual.



Neptune is in the 7th: 6/11/2017, Moving Forwards at Degree 14 in a 23 Degree House


Neptune is in the 7th house now. Relationships and partnerships are affected by confusion, misunderstanding or subterfuge. Handle legal issues with care. See others realistically.



Pluto is in the 5th: 6/11/2017, Moving Backwards at Degree 19 in a 32 Degree House


Pluto is in the 5th house now. Compulsive love affairs, inspired and intense creativity, and transforming activities related to children are possible. Power plays in these areas are likely.



Chiron is in the 8th: 6/11/2017, Moving Forwards at Degree 5 in a 28 Degree House


Chiron is transiting your 8th house now.  This is a good time for counseling or therapy, and you may receive enlightening psychological insights.  Work on developing greater self-control.



Saturn oppose Sun: 7/7/2017, Exact

enters orb: 7/6/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 7/8/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


During this transit you may feel overly tired and weighed down by responsibility.  Your energies are at the lowest point of the 28- to 30-year Saturn cycle; in addition this transit often is a time of obstacles and opposition from others that you must deal with.  Employers and authority figures may be a source of trouble for you, and it is not likely that you will realize much success now.  Children may also bring increased duties and responsibilities during this time.


Often people feel old during this period even if they are actually quite young.  It is best to watch your health carefully now, especially if you actually are older.  Don't strain yourself or allow pressures to build up to the point of breakdown.  Your energy is low now, but once this transit has passed you will be able to carry out all your ambitious plans.  For now, watch your health, especially your bones, back, skin, teeth and heart.


This transit is only part of your inner cycle of growth, and you should not fight it.  Learn to go with the flow instead of trying to swim upstream when dealing with obstructions.  For instance, if you are trapped in an unsatisfying marriage, it may come to an end under the influence of this transit.  You find it easier than usual to leave behind relationships which are no longer working.  It will be much easier for everyone in your life if you cooperate with the necessary changes taking place now instead of stubbornly resisting them.


At the end of this transit you will begin laying new foundations for future growth.  While this time brings many endings, it is followed by a period of new beginnings.  Any new projects that you undertake now will be tested in about seven years when Saturn squares your Sun, and you will reach a peak of achievement in about fourteen when Saturn conjuncts your Sun.


Be patient and allow this part of your cycle to pass.  There are new opportunities around the corner.  You are undergoing rapid changes now, and it is better to let this influence pass before beginning new projects.



Jupiter conjunct Chiron: 7/13/2017, Exact

enters orb: 7/13/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 7/14/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit will occur only once in each 12-year cycle of Jupiter and is a good time to review long-held beliefs that you may not have previously questioned.  These beliefs may be deeply imbedded in your psyche, especially those which you formed as a result of early life experiences.  Now you're deciding which of your beliefs you'll keep because they ring true for you, and which you'll discard as really belonging to someone else.  You may have to take a stand against valued family members, teachers and mentors in order to follow your own path.  Don't hesitate to follow your instincts now; then you'll know better than anyone what's best for you.


This is an excellent time to travel to or study about foreign lands and cultures.  You'll learn a great deal from those you meet on your journey (or in your classroom) that will help to broaden your view of the world.  In the process of exploring the differences between the world's myriad cultures, you'll discover how similar we all really are.  Then you'll return home with a more tolerant and accepting attitude toward your neighbors, as well as a renewed desire to share your new-found knowledge and experience with others.  Resist any temptation to preach to others or push your ideas too hard, for this would surely lead to disagreements and conflict.


Your curiosity about metaphysical sciences and holistic health will also increase during this transit, either because of your increased sense of experimentation, or because you seek cures for physical, spiritual or psychological wounds you've found difficult to heal.  You may try such new techniques as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, aromatherapy, homeopathy, healing with crystals or laying on of hands.  It's possible you'll work with others to bring about greater acceptance for these alternative philosophies.  You may even consider a new career in one of these fields.



Jupiter conjunct Jupiter: 8/4/2017, Exact

enters orb: 8/3/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 8/4/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit comes along only once every 12 years and signals the beginning of a new cycle of growth.  In traditional astrology, it can signify tremendous luck and unexpected windfalls, but the results are usually more subtle.


You will be exposed to new philosophies now and this will broaden your outlook on life.  It is possible that you will travel to foreign lands or that you will meet and learn from people from such places.  Your understanding of the world will increase as you are very eager to explore new ways of thinking.  You are more aware of your role as a world citizen and feel more like contributing to the good of the earth in general.


Although you feel more giving now, you may also be more demanding.  It is possible to be both, as long as you keep a balance.  You are highly optimistic and giving now, and at the same time you are intent upon furthering your own personal progress.  More than ever, this is a time of "what you get is what you give."  You have a heightened sense of justice now, and this is a good time to settle legal disputes.


You can expect to meet new people who will be of great benefit to you during this new 12-year cycle.  This is an excellent time to return to school or take refresher courses in subjects of interest to you.  You will encounter new opportunities and increased freedom, and it is very likely that you will at least have the opportunity to travel.


Although this transit can indeed bring financial gain, it is wise to remember that opportunity only knocks once.  You may feel over-confident now and may sit back and wait for the good things to come to you.  If you do so, you will surely miss some great chances for success.  Now is a good time to expand your business or make a carefully considered investment.  Although you may feel as though nothing can go wrong, this is not a good time to gamble or to over-extend yourself.  Be careful not to promise more than you can deliver.  Also be careful not to over-indulge in food or drink.



Jupiter trine Uranus: 8/7/2017, Exact

enters orb: 8/6/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 8/7/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit is known for being lucky, and always brings something unexpected.  You feel like doing something out-of-the-ordinary at this time and want to explore new perspectives on life.  You may feel the urge to travel and may have the sudden opportunity to do so during this time.


You may have new opportunities presented to you, seemingly from out of nowhere, such as money from the blue, a move to a better residence, a promotion, business opportunity, or a chance meeting with someone who contributes to your success.  You may make exciting new friends or join a scientific, religious, occult, cultural or educational organization which provides the support you need to achieve your goals.  Whatever it is, it will require immediate action on your part and it will probably be a wild departure from your norm.  You won't have time to sit around and consider the outcome.


Your mind is particularly sharp and inventive at this time.  You may come up with innovative ideas that can be put into practice at a later time.  Spiritual and metaphysical subjects are of great interest to you now, and you strive to incorporate these principles into your belief system and everyday life.  Your intuitive and psychic abilities are heightened; it is a good time to practice astrology.  Although this transit is known for its luck in gambling, this will not help you if you are already "unlucky" in nature.  Be cautious if you gamble and don't spend more than you have.



Pluto square Jupiter: 8/8/2017, Exact

enters orb: 8/7/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 8/13/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This once-in-a-lifetime transit can be an extremely fortunate time, especially for your career, or it can be frustrating and disappointing.  How it turns out will largely depend on your attitude.  Now is not the time to pursue a "get rich quick" scheme or to take on seemingly impossible tasks.  Such gambles are likely to backfire, especially if you are arrogant and demanding toward others.  The more self-righteous you are feeling now, the greater danger there is of a negative outcome.


You feel optimistic now, and you fully expect your efforts to succeed.  This could indeed happen, but only if you are able to recognize that others' needs are as important as yours.  You'll make a lot more progress if you can develop a sense of compromise and cooperation rather than having wild expectations that you demand others live up to.  No one enjoys being pushed around.  This transit is an unfavorable time for legal conflicts, especially those involving taxes, insurance, loans, corporate affairs or inheritances.


It is possible that during this transit you will encounter charismatic individuals or groups of a religious or metaphysical nature.  The only danger is that you may become obsessed with ideas which you then attempt to force onto others.  On the other hand, you may find yourself the victim of someone else's attempt to force their ideas on you.  At the worst extreme, such power struggles may result in legal problems or even arrest.



Saturn conjunct Moon: 8/18/2017, Exact

enters orb: 8/16/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 8/25/2017, 0.04 deg. orb


This transit offers the ideal opportunity for deep introspection and self-examination, as long as you do not become overly judgmental.  You may feel lonely and depressed, and demands of career and/or family may create stress and financial hardship.  Try not to take everything so seriously, and remember to smile at least once a day.


Saturn brings a pre-conceived ideal of perfection and righteousness.  If you do not feel you live up to this ideal, you will become very self-critical and begin demanding impossible feats of yourself.  If you cannot perform these feats and achieve these impossible goals, you will feel as though you are a failure.  This leads to feelings of guilt and even self-destructiveness.


The Moon, however, represents your need for emotional nurturing and compassion--as well as your need and ability to give these to others.  The Moon does not respond well to Saturn's demands and sometimes may become overwhelmed.  Do not let this self-examination lead to self-doubt.  This will in turn create a distance between you and your loved ones and prevent you from getting the nurturing that you also need so badly at this time.  Eat right and get plenty of rest to avoid digestion problems.


You may feel like withdrawing from others and may encounter problems with your relationships--especially with females--and women from your past may re-enter your life now.  You may feel depressed, as though you have no feelings at all.  This is not a good time to make "final" decisions about your emotional life.  Wait for this transit to pass so that you can then see what you have learned from it and look at life from a more positive perspective.  If relationships break up during this period, don't try to mend them until this transit has passed.



Jupiter is in the 3rd: 8/26/2017, Moving Forwards at Degree 0 in a 33 Degree House


Jupiter is in the 3rd house now, presenting educational and communication opportunities. Neighbors or relatives could be beneficial. Travel is expansive and ideas are more easily conveyed.


Jupiter sextile Moon: 8/27/2017, Exact

enters orb: 8/27/2017, 0.01 deg. orb - leaves orb: 8/27/2017, 0.07 deg. orb


This is a very pleasant transit, and you feel generally good about life.  You are very generous with others and feel very protective of loved ones.  You can be optimistic about your future now and have a very positive attitude.


No matter what your sex, relationships with women will be very beneficial to you at this time, emotionally and/or materially.  You may meet a woman who acts as somewhat of a guide to you, helping you to better understand yourself emotionally.  Or you may encounter a woman in your career who can be of assistance to you.


You are more interested than usual in spiritual or occult matters now.  You are able to view the religious beliefs and values of your youth with a different attitude so that you can incorporate them into your present value system.  You may have discarded many of these beliefs as worthless, but you may find they still hold some truth for you.  It is also a good time to invest in real estate or other sound business ventures.


Your life is satisfying and fulfilled now.  Your emotional needs are being met, and you make new friends more easily at this time.  You will begin to see more clearly how you relate to others and can examine your methods for getting your needs met.


Often, this transit indicates a time when you deal with a group of people or are perhaps a public figure yourself.  If you share any hard feelings with family members, now is a good time to clear up old grudges and disappointments.  Family means a great deal to you now.  Plan a family trip and have fun together.



Saturn conjunct Moon: 9/1/2017, Exact

enters orb: 8/29/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 9/7/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit offers the ideal opportunity for deep introspection and self-examination, as long as you do not become overly judgmental.  You may feel lonely and depressed, and demands of career and/or family may create stress and financial hardship.  Try not to take everything so seriously, and remember to smile at least once a day.


Saturn brings a pre-conceived ideal of perfection and righteousness.  If you do not feel you live up to this ideal, you will become very self-critical and begin demanding impossible feats of yourself.  If you cannot perform these feats and achieve these impossible goals, you will feel as though you are a failure.  This leads to feelings of guilt and even self-destructiveness.


The Moon, however, represents your need for emotional nurturing and compassion--as well as your need and ability to give these to others.  The Moon does not respond well to Saturn's demands and sometimes may become overwhelmed.  Do not let this self-examination lead to self-doubt.  This will in turn create a distance between you and your loved ones and prevent you from getting the nurturing that you also need so badly at this time.  Eat right and get plenty of rest to avoid digestion problems.


You may feel like withdrawing from others and may encounter problems with your relationships--especially with females--and women from your past may re-enter your life now.  You may feel depressed, as though you have no feelings at all.  This is not a good time to make "final" decisions about your emotional life.  Wait for this transit to pass so that you can then see what you have learned from it and look at life from a more positive perspective.  If relationships break up during this period, don't try to mend them until this transit has passed.


Jupiter trine Sun: 9/5/2017, Exact

enters orb: 9/5/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 9/6/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This is a time of high optimism and pleasant feelings.  It is a good time to explore those areas of your life which you have previously feared to venture into.  You are very creative now and can assert yourself confidently in creative ventures.  This transit increases your changes of receiving recognition and reward for your creative efforts.  The wind appears to be at your back, and you can accomplish a great deal at this time.


You may indulge in activities that are traditionally associated with Jupiter, such as travel, physical activity (such as hiking), or higher education.  You may travel to foreign places or be increasingly exposed to more "international people".  You may even discover a new love through these pursuits.  At this time you are more curious and open-minded about new and different cultures and lifestyles.  You get along well with others now and have a healthy sense of humor about life.  Your health is also good at this time.


You feel very generous and benevolent toward others now, especially those who are less fortunate.  The only danger with this transit (like many Jupiter transits) is that you will be over-optimistic and take foolish risks and gambles.  You feel a little like Superman right now, and your estimates of what you can accomplish may be a little unrealistic for a mere human.


Finances usually improve under this transit.  At the very least, you will not have to work so hard for the money you get.  It is also an excellent time to resolve legal matters.  You will feel like surrounding yourself with beauty, and it is good to reward yourself.  Just be careful that you don't spend as much (or more) money than you take in.



Jupiter square Saturn: 9/10/2017, Exact

enters orb: 9/10/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 9/10/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


At this time you will weed out many unnecessary people and things from your life.  Your moral values and behavior patterns will change to become more appropriate to the "new you" that is emerging.  Now is a good time to go to a retreat or at least take time for meditation.  It is not a good time to rely on the opinions of others because you are likely to get wildly conflicting advice.


The challenge to you at this time is to balance out your life--cutting back in those areas that require it and growing in others.  Your business may suffer financial difficulties or layoffs.  If you expand your business during this time, be sure to stay within your means.  Make a budget and stick to it.  Whatever you do now in your professional life will have a more important impact than usual on your future.  Be patient and take your time to find the proper solution to any problems.


Be careful with finances during this time and resist the temptation to rebel against your limitations by spending wildly.  You may change jobs under this transit because a better offer comes along with more opportunity for growth.  This is a good time for a career change, but be careful to do it in a way that is not disruptive to you or anyone else.  Your reputation may be challenged by mistakes from your past.  Don't expect much help from your friends in high places.  This is also an unfavorable time for legal disputes.


You may feel restless and impatient now, uncertain about your future.  You know that changes need to be made in your life, but you may not be sure exactly where or how.  Take your time when making any important decisions.  Think through your options carefully before acting.



Jupiter square Venus: 9/20/2017, Exact

enters orb: 9/19/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 9/20/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


You are very loving and giving at this time and feel an urge to express your love to others.  You will attract new people and situations to you now, but you must take the incentive and take action to get results in life.  Instead, you are likely to feel more lazy than usual now.  But if you just wait for everything and everyone to come to you, you will waste the opportunities offered by this transit.


Now is not the time for work; play if you can.  If possible, get away from it all and have fun!  You enjoy drinking in the beauty of the world and want to surround yourself with pleasant things and people.  Just be careful not to overspend your budget acquiring beautiful possessions.  Your taste is somewhat extravagant now, and you may not think your purchases were such wise ones once this transit has passed.  Also, watch out for hidden costs.  If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.


If you meet a new love at this time, it could be the beginning of a long-term relationship.  However, this relationship would not always be easy, although it would be a source of personal growth for both of you.  Through interacting with this person you will mature and gain wisdom that you can apply later in life.


Your greatest danger under this transit is that you will be too emotionally compulsive for the other person to handle.  Venus represents the desire to give love, and Jupiter represents the need for growth and freedom.  These can be used together creatively to construct a satisfying relationship, or they can work at odds with each other.  How it works out is largely dependent on your ability to calm down and be patient.



Jupiter sextile Mars: 9/25/2017, Exact

enters orb: 9/24/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 9/25/2017, 0.08 deg. orb


Your self-confidence is high now and you are unusually optimistic about your ability to manifest desired results in your life.  Now is a good time to begin new projects that require a great deal of energy.  The potential for success is there, but you must provide the initiative and take action on opportunities that present themselves.


It is easier for you to plan now because you are clear on what you want from life.  Others believe in you because of your honesty and sincerity.  Your sense of determination is high and you can make decisions with conviction.  During this time you are tactful enough to convince others of your point of view, and they are impressed with the extent of your confidence in yourself.  Your sense of optimism is infectious, and others will follow your lead.


You deal with others with integrity now, and for this reason they are more willing to help you out.  You are not operating merely from selfish motivation but have a larger outlook on everything you undertake.  You have an excellent sense of timing now, and you can use this to your advantage in achieving professional goals.  Others will support you because they can see that you have worked hard for what you want and they know you deserve to succeed.  This transit is especially favorable for projects associated with Jupiter, such as education, religion, or foreign cultures.


Legal matters will go favorably for you now.  You feel more like compromising than usual and should be able to successfully arbitrate any legal problems that arise.  Your health is good and you feel physically strong, so now is a good time to engage in your favorite sport.  This transit is also traditionally a good time for women to undergo pregnancy.


Chiron trine Venus: 10/7/2017, Exact

enters orb: 10/6/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 10/9/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit will occur only twice in each 50-year cycle of Chiron.  Your love life will be a source of major change now, as you closely re-examine your long-held habits and patterns in relationships.  You now understand that it is essential that the needs of both partners be met (not just one) in order for a romance to succeed.  It is also clear to you how you've taken your partner for granted in the past (or they you) and how you both sometimes forgot to give thanks for the love and joy you shared.  Your new attitude toward love may clear the way for a new partner to enter your life now.  If you're already in a committed relationship, the changes in you will either improve the partnership, or lead to its end.  Either way, in retrospect you'll be able to see that it was for the best.


This is an excellent time to re-examine ways in which childhood wounds have limited your ability to give and receive love.  The more progress you can make toward healing these scars, the easier it will be for you when Chiron squares or opposes your natal Venus in a few years.  Instead of having to repeat past mistakes over and over, you can more easily attract someone with whom you can share a life of joy and fulfillment.  If you do meet such a person now, it is likely that you'll feel you've known them forever.  Any love relationship you begin now will be very spiritual in nature.


You have a higher appreciation for the arts now and may even discover that you have hidden creative talents.  Your artwork will be highly creative and will inspire others to develop their own abilities.  If you keep an open mind, you can easily see beauty in everything (and everyone) around you.  As a result of what you're learning now, you are revising your entire value system.  This is a good time to closely examine your priorities and decide who or what is truly important in your life.  Then stand up for your values, without worrying what others will think. As you rearrange your priorities, you may take a new job, or change professions entirely.  This would be an excellent time to explore a career in the healing arts. Once you've learned to heal yourself, you'll be a natural at healing others.



Jupiter sextile Ascendant: 10/9/2017, Exact

enters orb: 10/9/2017, 0.01 deg. orb - leaves orb: 10/9/2017, 0.08 deg. orb


At this time your friends are literally your greatest asset; it is an excellent time for working with a group or even just a few partners, and you may have the opportunity to do so during this time.  These opportunities will come from the most unsuspected quarters--from friends who were previously only casual acquaintances.


This transit can also indicate a time of travel.  Whether you travel physically or through your mind, your awareness of the world will broaden.  Perhaps you will meet new friends who are from radically different cultures than yours and will grow to understand that foreigners are merely different, not strange.  You may form lasting friendships with people of varied backgrounds at this time.  You are open-minded enough now to drop any previously held prejudices and accept people as they are.


It is also possible that an old friend will re-enter your life, bringing a business opportunity of some sort.  Or you may follow a lead given by a friend that turns out to be a fantastic opportunity for growth (economic or personal).  At this time you also feel quite benevolent toward others and are willing to help any who need your assistance.


You will experience a sort of "instant karma" with those around you.  Whatever you put out--which right now is mostly kindness and generosity--you will get back very quickly, although not always from the same source.  You feel optimistic and confident now, and you can't sit by and just watch others who are suffering.


It is obvious to others during this time that you will deal with them honorably and equitably.  In turn, they feel they can treat you in the same fashion.  Business negotiations and legal affairs should go very well at this time.  Just don't let your optimism lead you to promise more than you can deliver.



Saturn oppose Sun: 10/11/2017, Exact

enters orb: 10/11/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 10/13/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


During this transit you may feel overly tired and weighed down by responsibility.  Your energies are at the lowest point of the 28- to 30-year Saturn cycle; in addition this transit often is a time of obstacles and opposition from others that you must deal with.  Employers and authority figures may be a source of trouble for you, and it is not likely that you will realize much success now.  Children may also bring increased duties and responsibilities during this time.


Often people feel old during this period even if they are actually quite young.  It is best to watch your health carefully now, especially if you actually are older.  Don't strain yourself or allow pressures to build up to the point of breakdown.  Your energy is low now, but once this transit has passed you will be able to carry out all your ambitious plans.  For now, watch your health, especially your bones, back, skin, teeth and heart.


This transit is only part of your inner cycle of growth, and you should not fight it.  Learn to go with the flow instead of trying to swim upstream when dealing with obstructions.  For instance, if you are trapped in an unsatisfying marriage, it may come to an end under the influence of this transit.  You find it easier than usual to leave behind relationships which are no longer working.  It will be much easier for everyone in your life if you cooperate with the necessary changes taking place now instead of stubbornly resisting them.


At the end of this transit you will begin laying new foundations for future growth.  While this time brings many endings, it is followed by a period of new beginnings.  Any new projects that you undertake now will be tested in about seven years when Saturn squares your Sun, and you will reach a peak of achievement in about fourteen when Saturn conjuncts your Sun.


Be patient and allow this part of your cycle to pass.  There are new opportunities around the corner.  You are undergoing rapid changes now, and it is better to let this influence pass before beginning new projects.



Uranus trine Mars: 10/13/2017, Exact

enters orb: 10/13/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 10/16/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit occurs only twice in each 84-year cycle of Uranus.  You will be quite active during this transit.  It will help you to overcome any natural shyness and assert your needs at this time.  This is a good time to break old habits and take on new challenges.  You are quite likely to succeed in your endeavors and to gain new appreciation from others.


You may work on new projects with a group, but only if you are allowed your freedom of self-expression.  You are not in any mood for compromise.  While you insist on doing things your way, you are not interested in imposing your will on others.  Your need for independence and freedom to be yourself is of utmost importance to you now.  You may extend this to working for groups involved in seeking liberation or freedom for others, such as civil rights or other movements.


This is a great opportunity to take control of your life and show what you can accomplish.  You have a great deal of confidence in yourself, and this is a favorable time in the fields of engineering, science, electronics or metaphysics (including astrology).  This is also an excellent time to gain the support of authority figures, including government agencies.  Since you are feeling more energetic than usual, this is also a good time to try that new exercise technique or join a sports team.


Uranus square Venus: 11/8/2017, Exact

enters orb: 11/7/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 11/11/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit occurs only twice in 84 years.  Uranus is certain to liven up your love life at this time, and your relationships are likely to go through tremendous change.  It is important to you now that your love life be exciting, and you will not tolerate a boring partner.  You also seek greater freedom of movement now, and any relationship that can't adapt to this change in you must go, even a long-time marriage.  If the marriage is solid, however, you will find a way to incorporate needed changes and continue your life together, although it will require compromise on both your parts.


A new partner may enter your life now who appears to offer you the greatest excitement and freedom.  If this occurs, just be sure to wait until this transit has passed before you make a long-term commitment.  You should certainly resist the temptation to toss aside the security of your marriage and family on a meaningless fling.  You could be left with regrets later when the new flame suddenly dies down.  During this transit, you are attracted to those who are very different from you in terms of age, race, background or social status.  In a way, these relationships have a "taboo" feeling about them which you are rebelling against.  Also, they are very safe emotionally.  In looking for freedom now, you are actually looking for non-commitment.


Be careful not to go on a spending spree now.  Your taste is more gaudy than usual now, and you may not be so happy with your good deals after the effects of this transit have passed.  Also, be careful not to overdo on exotic food and drink.



Pluto square Jupiter: 11/16/2017, Exact

enters orb: 11/15/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 11/20/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This once-in-a-lifetime transit can be an extremely fortunate time, especially for your career, or it can be frustrating and disappointing.  How it turns out will largely depend on your attitude.  Now is not the time to pursue a "get rich quick" scheme or to take on seemingly impossible tasks.  Such gambles are likely to backfire, especially if you are arrogant and demanding toward others.  The more self-righteous you are feeling now, the greater danger there is of a negative outcome.


You feel optimistic now, and you fully expect your efforts to succeed.  This could indeed happen, but only if you are able to recognize that others' needs are as important as yours.  You'll make a lot more progress if you can develop a sense of compromise and cooperation rather than having wild expectations that you demand others live up to.  No one enjoys being pushed around.  This transit is an unfavorable time for legal conflicts, especially those involving taxes, insurance, loans, corporate affairs or inheritances.


It is possible that during this transit you will encounter charismatic individuals or groups of a religious or metaphysical nature.  The only danger is that you may become obsessed with ideas which you then attempt to force onto others.  On the other hand, you may find yourself the victim of someone else's attempt to force their ideas on you.  At the worst extreme, such power struggles may result in legal problems or even arrest.



Jupiter trine Mercury: 11/20/2017, Exact

enters orb: 11/20/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 11/20/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This is an excellent time for communication and intellectual endeavors.  Your ability to plan ahead is quite good now, and you can make good judgments.  It is a good time to negotiate contracts or seek new opportunities through communication.


Your mind is capable of much expansion and growth now, and you are able to see abstract ideas from a practical viewpoint.  It is a good time to take on the study of a new subject, undertake a new project, or travel to foreign lands.  You can plan your future quite intelligently now and can communicate your ideas with a new clarity.  For these reasons, it is an excellent time to buy and sell (especially real estate) or to make well-planned financial investments.


You feel like being sincere in your communications with others, and you will be well received and respected for your truthfulness.  You can combine both warmth and confidence in your communication with others, and this makes your ideas more palatable to the average person.  Even if they do not all agree with you (and of course they won't), they will respect your logic.  You are self-confident enough to treat others with respect without feeling that it detracts from your status.


At this time you feel more optimistic and self-confident than usual, and you are physically strong.  Yet you are also able to judge your limitations now and are not likely to overcommit yourself.  Your life is well-planned and your thoughts more organized.  You make a very positive impression on others now and may receive a promotion or new career opportunity.  Advertising and promotion campaigns will be more effective.



Saturn trine Mars: 11/22/2017, Exact

enters orb: 11/21/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 11/22/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


This is an excellent time for undertaking projects which require a great deal of hard work and concentration.  You are able to see your goals in a long-range perspective and to make solid plans to carry them out.  Your sense of organization is high now, and you will pay close attention to all details and work determinedly toward your objectives.


Coworkers and superiors will recognize your value now and will respect your diligence and willingness to work hard.  You are able to take on complicated projects and work toward a successful conclusion with perseverance.  Now's the time to approach that supervisor or government agency for a favor. This is a particularly good time to work with metals or stones or to draw up detailed plans.  It's also good for architecture, engineering, building, manufacturing, or craftsmanship.  This combination of Saturn and Mars favors the use of heavy equipment and machinery.


It is not difficult for you to be patient now, for you know that with hard work you will achieve your goals.  You don't expect too much of yourself now and therefore are not likely to become overcommitted.  You know that with time and effort you will be rewarded for your deeds.  The tasks you take on now will have a lasting impact on your future, although they won't bring overnight success.


If you are required to compete with others now, they will find you a worthy opponent.  You are determined to succeed and will make sure that you are well prepared for any altercation you encounter.  Because your actions are well-considered and well-planned, you will win out over any opponent who acts impulsively.

Jupiter square Pluto: 11/25/2017, Exact

enters orb: 11/25/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 11/26/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


At this time you are inspired to achieve great things and feel more confident than usual in your ability to do so.  You are highly ambitious now and will set your sights higher than usual in pursuing your goals in life.  If you keep your nose completely clean and exercise only the best of intentions toward others, you can indeed achieve much power, success and social status now.  However, you may encounter opposition or resistance from others in your efforts, particularly if you have used shady or underhanded methods to achieve your success.  If this has been the case, people will begin lining up to throw mud at you and expose all your darkest secrets.


Even if you do nothing wrong, others will challenge you now.  You may experience problems with authority figures or be involved with conflicts and power struggles on the job, particularly if you work with education, religion or foreign cultures.  You may be forced to take a stand for what you believe in and will have to re-examine your own values in the process.  Avoid becoming dogmatic or having a "holier than thou" attitude.  You may feel the need to lead others, but first be sure you know where you're going.


Another way to express the energies of this transit is to repair or restore an old building, piece of artwork, etc.  It is also a good time to become involved in groups working toward beneficial change in society.  Be sure that you keep your ego out of any group projects now; otherwise you will also encounter opposition there.


This transit sometimes indicates legal conflicts or lawsuits.  You may also have difficulties regarding taxes, alimony, inheritance, insurance, or corporate holdings.  No matter what the situation, be sure you are completely honest and straightforward.  If you have anything to hide, you won't be able to now.



Saturn is in the 5th: 12/13/2017, Moving Forwards at Degree 0 in a 32 Degree House


Saturn is in the 5th house now, putting the damper on fun and games. Gambling is taboo. Love affairs become restrictive. Creativity can find concrete expression through hard work.



Saturn trine Ascendant: 12/18/2017, Exact

enters orb: 12/18/2017, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 12/19/2017, 0.10 deg. orb


During this transit you will seek to establish yourself as a responsible and respectable person.  You will work hard to organize your life, both personal and professional, and keep it running smoothly.  You are consistent and reliable in your relationships, and others know they can depend on you.  Rather than rebelling or trying to surprise others with your rash actions, you are likely to be more conservative and disciplined now.


At this time you understand the need to acquire experience in your career, and you are more willing than usual to work hard to get ahead.  Others will help you, not because you coerce them but because they can see that you are competent and reliable enough to handle increased responsibility.  Although you want to succeed, you only want what you deserve and earn.  You want to be totally fair and don't want to be in debt to anyone.  This is an excellent time for resolving legal matters.  It is also important to you now that you can be totally self-sufficient.


In your relationships you are likely to need more time alone.  You are more cautious in forming new relationships and are more shy than usual.  While you don't have to accept every invitation you are offered now, be careful not to overlook a new friend who can help you.  Many people meet a teacher or mentor during this transit, usually someone who is older than you.  You probably won't recognize this person at first as a teacher because they will not fit your usual description of the word.


The only drawback with this transit is that you will tend to resist changes as they begin to take place in your life.  You think conservatively and will look to old ways of solving problems rather than coming up with new ones.  This is not a problem if you remember to remain flexible.



Chiron trine Venus: 1/31/2018, Exact

enters orb: 1/30/2018, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 2/2/2018, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit will occur only twice in each 50-year cycle of Chiron.  Your love life will be a source of major change now, as you closely re-examine your long-held habits and patterns in relationships.  You now understand that it is essential that the needs of both partners be met (not just one) in order for a romance to succeed.  It is also clear to you how you've taken your partner for granted in the past (or they you) and how you both sometimes forgot to give thanks for the love and joy you shared.  Your new attitude toward love may clear the way for a new partner to enter your life now.  If you're already in a committed relationship, the changes in you will either improve the partnership, or lead to its end.  Either way, in retrospect you'll be able to see that it was for the best.


This is an excellent time to re-examine ways in which childhood wounds have limited your ability to give and receive love.  The more progress you can make toward healing these scars, the easier it will be for you when Chiron squares or opposes your natal Venus in a few years.  Instead of having to repeat past mistakes over and over, you can more easily attract someone with whom you can share a life of joy and fulfillment.  If you do meet such a person now, it is likely that you'll feel you've known them forever.  Any love relationship you begin now will be very spiritual in nature.


You have a higher appreciation for the arts now and may even discover that you have hidden creative talents.  Your artwork will be highly creative and will inspire others to develop their own abilities.  If you keep an open mind, you can easily see beauty in everything (and everyone) around you.  As a result of what you're learning now, you are revising your entire value system.  This is a good time to closely examine your priorities and decide who or what is truly important in your life.  Then stand up for your values, without worrying what others will think. As you rearrange your priorities, you may take a new job, or change professions entirely.  This would be an excellent time to explore a career in the healing arts. Once you've learned to heal yourself, you'll be a natural at healing others.



Saturn square Neptune: 2/11/2018, Exact

enters orb: 2/10/2018, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 2/12/2018, 0.10 deg. orb


You may feel confused now, and a little uncertain about your future.  Previously routine problems of life may overwhelm you now, and you may not feel up to the task of dealing with difficulties.  Don't take on too much responsibility now; your energy level will be low and you will end up disappointing yourself and others.


Now is a time for reviewing what you have accomplished in life and making needed changes in your objectives.  You may doubt yourself strongly now, and things may even seem hopeless at times.  Don't indulge in feelings of guilt and depression, for this would be easy to do now.  Instead, realize that this is not a time of great success and rapid forward movement.  This is a time of stopping to examine the path you are on and changing your life's direction.


You may be forced to drop or reexamine some of your ideals, hopes and dreams as the result of events which cause you to feel discouraged, disappointed and pessimistic.  You are more insecure than usual now, and your spirits are low.  Avoid a tendency to become depressed or even paranoid.  Your perspective on reality is being rearranged, and these are necessary steps to disabuse you of your outdated, no longer valid beliefs.


If possible, don't make any important long-term commitments during this time.  Your thinking is not at its clearest.  Your negative outlook on life may lead you to make errors in judgment--because you feel you can't do better, or don't deserve better than what is offered.  After this transit has passed, you will see that the changes you encountered during it were necessary for your growth.  Although it may not appear that way to you now, you are indeed moving forward within yourself.  Manifesting it in the outer world may have to wait until this transit has passed.


Be especially cautious during this time, for physical injuries and illness are common with harsh Saturn-Neptune contacts, especially those which develop slowly and are hard to detect in the earlier stages.  If you have not had a physical check-up for a while, now is a good time to do so.  Avoid alcohol and drugs now, for you are more likely to abuse them.


Uranus square Venus: 2/24/2018, Exact

enters orb: 2/24/2018, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 2/26/2018, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit occurs only twice in 84 years.  Uranus is certain to liven up your love life at this time, and your relationships are likely to go through tremendous change.  It is important to you now that your love life be exciting, and you will not tolerate a boring partner.  You also seek greater freedom of movement now, and any relationship that can't adapt to this change in you must go, even a long-time marriage.  If the marriage is solid, however, you will find a way to incorporate needed changes and continue your life together, although it will require compromise on both your parts.


A new partner may enter your life now who appears to offer you the greatest excitement and freedom.  If this occurs, just be sure to wait until this transit has passed before you make a long-term commitment.  You should certainly resist the temptation to toss aside the security of your marriage and family on a meaningless fling.  You could be left with regrets later when the new flame suddenly dies down.  During this transit, you are attracted to those who are very different from you in terms of age, race, background or social status.  In a way, these relationships have a "taboo" feeling about them which you are rebelling against.  Also, they are very safe emotionally.  In looking for freedom now, you are actually looking for non-commitment.


Be careful not to go on a spending spree now.  Your taste is more gaudy than usual now, and you may not be so happy with your good deals after the effects of this transit have passed.  Also, be careful not to overdo on exotic food and drink.



Uranus trine Mars: 3/18/2018, Exact

enters orb: 3/18/2018, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 3/20/2018, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit occurs only twice in each 84-year cycle of Uranus.  You will be quite active during this transit.  It will help you to overcome any natural shyness and assert your needs at this time.  This is a good time to break old habits and take on new challenges.  You are quite likely to succeed in your endeavors and to gain new appreciation from others.


You may work on new projects with a group, but only if you are allowed your freedom of self-expression.  You are not in any mood for compromise.  While you insist on doing things your way, you are not interested in imposing your will on others.  Your need for independence and freedom to be yourself is of utmost importance to you now.  You may extend this to working for groups involved in seeking liberation or freedom for others, such as civil rights or other movements.


This is a great opportunity to take control of your life and show what you can accomplish.  You have a great deal of confidence in yourself, and this is a favorable time in the fields of engineering, science, electronics or metaphysics (including astrology).  This is also an excellent time to gain the support of authority figures, including government agencies.  Since you are feeling more energetic than usual, this is also a good time to try that new exercise technique or join a sports team.



Saturn oppose Mercury: 3/30/2018, Exact

enters orb: 3/29/2018, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 4/2/2018, 0.10 deg. orb


During this time it may seem that no matter what you say, you cannot please others.  You will encounter multiple disagreements and even end long-time relationships because of this failure in communication.  It is certain that you will encounter strong resistance to your ideas, and you in turn may stubbornly refuse to accept the opinions of others.


On the positive side, this opposition from others will force you to strengthen your arguments and to be sure that you have considered every angle before presenting an idea to someone else for consideration.  If you feel like giving up, you probably have doubts about the viability of your own plans.  Others are not really out to shoot down your ideas, they are serving the purpose of presenting a challenge that you can rise to meet.  Be sure that your plans are well thought out and based on reality and you will have fewer problems.


Now is a good time for introspection and self-questioning.  Examine your logic and see if you can find any weak points, then take steps to correct them.  Don't waste time feeling guilty or sorry for yourself, for you will be tempted to do so.  This will only lead to depression and feelings of self-doubt.  Try to stay detached and objective, although you may feel at times that you are being personally attacked.  Negative publicity could affect your reputation now, so be careful not to expose yourself to ridicule.


This transit will be easier if you have not allowed your thinking to become too narrow and rigid.  You may encounter legal problems or get caught in bureaucratic red tape.  Changes will be required of you now, and the more flexible you remain, the easier these changes will be.  If you remain stubborn and unmoving, you will encounter the same response from others.  Give a little and you will find that others will do the same.


Be particularly careful of your health now, particularly illnesses of the lungs and organs of speech, such as bronchitis or laryngitis, as well as problems with teeth, bones or digestion.



Saturn oppose Mercury: 5/6/2018, Exact

enters orb: 5/5/2018, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 5/9/2018, 0.10 deg. orb


During this time it may seem that no matter what you say, you cannot please others.  You will encounter multiple disagreements and even end long-time relationships because of this failure in communication.  It is certain that you will encounter strong resistance to your ideas, and you in turn may stubbornly refuse to accept the opinions of others.


On the positive side, this opposition from others will force you to strengthen your arguments and to be sure that you have considered every angle before presenting an idea to someone else for consideration.  If you feel like giving up, you probably have doubts about the viability of your own plans.  Others are not really out to shoot down your ideas, they are serving the purpose of presenting a challenge that you can rise to meet.  Be sure that your plans are well thought out and based on reality and you will have fewer problems.


Now is a good time for introspection and self-questioning.  Examine your logic and see if you can find any weak points, then take steps to correct them.  Don't waste time feeling guilty or sorry for yourself, for you will be tempted to do so.  This will only lead to depression and feelings of self-doubt.  Try to stay detached and objective, although you may feel at times that you are being personally attacked.  Negative publicity could affect your reputation now, so be careful not to expose yourself to ridicule.


This transit will be easier if you have not allowed your thinking to become too narrow and rigid.  You may encounter legal problems or get caught in bureaucratic red tape.  Changes will be required of you now, and the more flexible you remain, the easier these changes will be.  If you remain stubborn and unmoving, you will encounter the same response from others.  Give a little and you will find that others will do the same.


Be particularly careful of your health now, particularly illnesses of the lungs and organs of speech, such as bronchitis or laryngitis, as well as problems with teeth, bones or digestion.



Uranus trine Ascendant: 5/11/2018, Exact

enters orb: 5/11/2018, 0.02 deg. orb - leaves orb: 5/13/2018, 0.10 deg. orb


This transit occurs only twice in each 84-year cycle of Uranus.  This is a time of "coming out," when you will insist that you be able to express yourself more freely and creatively.  In your personal relationships you are more likely to assert your need for independence than before.  During this time you'll find that you can make needed changes in your relationships without disrupting the harmony you share.  Any relationship which you find to be oppressive and which is not changeable will have to go.


New people (and perhaps a love interest) will enter your life who are more stimulating and exciting that your typical choice of friends.  They will introduce you to new perspectives on life and will help you to appreciate and more freely express your own creative abilities.  Although you may be fascinated by a new lover now, avoid making any long-term commitments until the excitement of this transit has passed.  Solid relationships will stand the test of time.


This is an excellent time to study new subjects which intrigue you, such as science and electronics (including computers) or metaphysical subjects such as astrology.  You are highly intuitive now and can grasp concepts which have previously eluded you.  You may find a special teacher (or guru) who can help you in your search for enlightenment.  The worst thing you can do is stubbornly resist the changes taking place in your life now.  Whether you know it now or not, they're for the best.