A healthcare bill
that reaches across the aisle has a distinct possibility of passing (Transiting
Chiron meandering over USA's 4th cusp of endings) mid to late October
2017. The expansiveness of the bill
(Transiting Jupiter is trine-easy angle with USA's Venus) can be appreciated by
the Democrats while adjustments (Transiting Saturn in inconjunct - break &
adjust with USA's Mercury) are made to the procedures and eligibility
requirements which might appease GOP. No
guarantees of passage although, the retribution for a Congress that is not able
to pass anything would be a significant reminder in 2018 elections. Democrats might be able to save a significant
portion of healthcare (Transiting Chiron in trine-easy angle with Mercury) for
the public by agreeing to rein in costs by better fraud detection/verification
and re-evaluating disability benefits for fraud. There could be some deals with drug cost
containment although, the avenues are not quite clear and lobbying could be