Lioness Publications LLC

Predictive Probabilities Research 
Real Estate Sales - Probabilities

Special for Home Sellers  
This provides a detailed report with possible sell dat
  • leave a contact phone number along with best times and probabilities for 6 months. The date & location of birth for the home seller(s) is required to generate the report.  To take advantage of the offer either -- 
    • send an email to with a contact phone number with the best times to call and we will reach out to you.
    • or call on our voicemail 781-392-4099 and we will reach out to you.
Example Report


January 9 – 29, 2011, Viewings & Offers = Start Period
Early February 2011, Inspection w/small issues = Setback
February 18, 2011, Updated Purchase & Sale = Discussions/Signing Documents
End February 2011, Buyers approved for mortgage = Good news
March 30, 2011, Closing = Possible completion

Disclaimer: Each person's results depend on the date & location of birth.  Activities currently occurring in a person's life such as a job promotion or new relationships (just to name two) may obscure whether an item depicts an activity with the house or another factor in a person's life.