Lioness Publications LLC

Predictive Probabilities Astrology Research 

Seizure Chart Interpretation

In the following chart, the black, red, and grey areas indicate the trend as interpreted by the data points from our studies.  The vertical yellow lines indicate seizures with the arrow pointing at the date of occurrence.  The yellow circles or yellow horizontal arrows indicate the trending that may have corresponded to a particular seizure.  The horizontal yellow dotted line indicates a threshold and in the baseline cases might be interpreted as where peaks occurring above the threshold could be more likely to correspond with a period of seizure activity while peaks occurring under the threshold may be less likely to correspond with a period of seizure activity.

As in all types of test results, it should be understood that there are false positives and false negatives.  It will be the same with these results therefore, not all high peaks are expected to be seizure possibilities as there will be false positives and, not all low periods are expected to be seizure free as there will be false negatives.